APC caretaker, reconciliatory committee meets Bisi Akande

The Caretaker and Reconciliation Committee of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) yesterday held a closed-door meeting with the former Interim National Chairman of the party, Chief Bisi Akande, in his Ila-Orangun country home, Osun State.
The meeting, which lasted about an hour, was said to have dwelled on the assignment given to the committee. Yobe State Governor and Chairman of the committee, Mai Mala Buni, led other members to the meeting.

Buni, who spoke on behalf of the committee, told Akande that the committee saw him as critical stakeholder because a reconciliatory committee earlier led by him received several petitions and complaints running into over 170.

He said the committee would require the support and elderly advice from the octogenarian politician to enable it attain its lofty objectives and success. Akande, while welcoming the committee members, urged them to handle the assignment in their hands with fairness, openness and responsibility, saying that they had the onerous task of enthroning peace and stability in the crisis-ridden party.

He said the objective and bottom-line was to resolve amicably all disenchanted parties with the aim of placing the party on a sound footing to enable it meet the immediate and future challenges.

The elder statesman also implored the committee members not to hesitate to seek advice from all stakeholders on proper things necessary to do to achieve the mandate placed in their hands. He, however, said that there was need to appeal to aggrieved members to remain united and strong for the party to continue to play its leading role in the polity.